Enhance and increase the impact of your organization with our insightful and experienced strategies and execution
The Shine Army has empowered millions around the world to elevate their impact and live their legacy. Our founder Charreah K. Jackson brings more than 15 years as a media insider and corporate leader to offer strategy and support.
"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"
Our call has me rethinking my approach to my goals. She reminded me to stop waiting for permission and validation, and gave me a mantra that will carry me to great success."
I've been honored to work alongside of her on several projects and the dedication to her craft is unparalleled."
She sees the opportunities for getting media and offers focused guidance. She also breaks down business scaling as your visibility grows. I love her enthusiasm and positivity!
Book Your Spotlight Call.
Schedule a complimentary call with Charreah today to discover your strategy to grow your impact and satisfaction!
lets do this.